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Series One: USA - Politics & Diplomacy, 1960-1974
(Public Record Office Class FO 371: American Department - United States)

Part 1: The John F Kennedy Years, 1960-1963


FO 371 148576: Annual review for 1959
FO 371 148577: Internal Political Situation 1960
FO 371 148578: Internal Political Situation 1960
FO 371 148579: Internal Political Situation 1960
FO 371 148580: Internal Political Situation 1960
FO 371 148581: Internal Political Situation 1960
FO 371 148582: Appointments to government
FO 371 148583: Media statements by prominent politicians

FO 371 148584: Periodic reports on political situation
FO 371 148585: Political situation in Puerto Rico
FO 371 148586: Visit by Earl of Cromer
FO 371 148587: Internal political situation in Alaska
FO 371 148588: Foreign policy
FO 371 148589: Foreign policy
FO 371 148590: Visit by US President to Far East
FO 371 148591: Political relations with United Kingdom
FO 371 148592: Political relations with United Kingdom
FO 371 148593: Political relations with United Kingdom
FO 371 148594: Message from Prime Minister to Anglo-Texan Society
FO 371 148595: Visit to UK by Senators Johnson, Fulbright and Frear
FO 371 148596: Visit to UK by Senators Anderson, Dillon and Irwin
FO 371 148597: Activities of British-American parliamentary group
FO 371 148598: Political relations with Australia
FO 371 148599: Visit by Prime Minister of Australia
FO 371 148600: Overseas trade policy

FO 371 148601: US economic aid to Latin America
FO 371 148602: US balance of payments, 3rd quarter 1960
FO 371 148603: Income tax on profits of foreign companies in state of California
FO 371 148604: Double taxation agreement with UK
FO 371 148605: Long range navigation (LORAN) stations outside US
FO 371 148606: US long range proving grounds
FO 371 148607: US long range proving grounds
FO 371 148608: US long range proving grounds
FO 371 148609: US long range proving grounds
FO 371 148610: US oceanographic research stations
FO 371 148611: US armed forces bases in United Kingdom
FO 371 148612: US aid for construction of Ferry Point Bridge, Bermuda
FO 371 148613: US weather station on Betio Island, Gilbert and Ellice Islands

FO 371 148614: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom
FO 371 148615: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom
FO 371 148616: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom
FO 371 148617: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom
FO 371 148618: Leased Bases Agreement with United Kingdom
FO 371 148619: Defence
FO 371 148620: Armed forces
FO 371 148621: Importation of surplus weapons from foreign countries
FO 371 148622: US military exercises in Puerto Rico and Panama
FO 371 148623: Destroyer Bases Agreement, 1940
FO 371 148624: Publication of book on sinking of Lusitania during World War I
FO 371 148625: Visit of New Orleans International House Trade Mission to Europe
FO 371 148626: Invitation to ex-President Truman to annual function of Joint Palestine Appeal Committee
FO 371 148627: Visit of Dr Jagan of British Guiana
FO 371 148628: Visit by United Kingdom Secretary for Defence
FO 371 148629: Visit of Mr Gaitskell, leader of Labour Party
FO 371 148630: Visit of Lord Baillieu

FO 371 148631: Visit of Lord Mountbatten
FO 371 148632: Education
FO 371 148633: Honorary degrees from UK universities to US nationals
FO 371 148634: International Christian Leadership Association
FO 371 148635: Quakers
FO 371 148636: Policy on immigration
FO 371 148637: Racial discrimination
FO 371 148638: Payments made by State Federal Welfare
FO 371 148639: Celebrations at Jamestown festival: unveiling by Queen Mother in London of statue of Captain John Smith
FO 371 148640: UK diplomatic representation: opening of new embassy in Washington
FO 371 148641: Diplomatic representation in US
FO 371 148642: Diplomatic representation in US
FO 371 148643: Diplomatic representation in US
FO 371 148644: Diplomatic representation in foreign countries
FO 371 148645: Commonwealth diplomatic representation in US
FO 371 148646: Establishment of hurricane research stations in Jamaica and Grand Cayman Island
FO 371 148647: Strikes
FO 371 148648: Trade unions
FO 371 148649: Reactions to attendance of Prime Minister, Mr Khruschev of Soviet Union, President Castro of Cuba and other world leaders at UN General Assembly in New York, September, October 1960

FO 371 156435: Annual review for 1960
FO 371 156436: Internal Political Situation 1961
FO 371 156437: Internal Political Situation 1961
FO 371 156438: Internal Political Situation 1961
FO 371 156439: Internal Political Situation 1961
FO 371 156440: Internal Political Situation 1961
FO 371 156441: Government appointments
FO 371 156442: Government appointments
FO 371 156443: Government appointments
FO 371 156444: Inauguration of Governor of Puerto Rico

FO 371 156445: Communism
FO 371 156446: Foreign policy towards Latin America
FO 371 156447: Foreign policy towards Latin America
FO 371 156448: Foreign policy towards Latin America
FO 371 156449: Foreign policy
FO 371 156450: Foreign policy
FO 371 156451: Political relations: Brazil
FO 371 156452: Meeting in Bermuda of British-American Parliamentary Group
FO 371 156453: Political relations: United Kingdom
FO 371 156454: Political relations: United Kingdom

FO 371 156455: Visit to London by Mr A Harriman, special representative of President Kennedy
FO 371 156456: Visit to Europe by President Kennedy
FO 371 156457: Visit to US by Secretary of State (Lord Home)
FO 371 156458: Political relations: Commonwealth countries
FO 371 156459: US aid and Mutual Security Programme
FO 371 156460: Monthly economic reports (December 1960-November 1961)
FO 371 156461: Monthly economic reports (December 1960-November 1961)
FO 371 156462: Monthly economic reports (December 1960-November 1961)
FO 371 156463: Monthly economic reports (December 1960-November 1961)
FO 371 156464: Economy
FO 371 156465: Budget
FO 371 156466: Foreign trade and aid
FO 371 156467: Foreign trade and aid

FO 371 156468: Foreign trade and aid
FO 371 156469: Foreign trade and aid
FO 371 156470: Commercial relations: Brazil
FO 371 156471: Commercial relations: Nigeria
FO 371 156472: Taxation
FO 371 156473: Exchange of Notes with United Kingdom on the use of airfield on Ascension Island
FO 371 156474: Agreement with United Kingdom over extension of submarine cable in Long Range Proving Ground in West Indies
FO 371 156475: Bases in United Kingdom
FO 371 156476: Exchange of Notes with UK on operation of weather station on Betio Island in Gilbert and Ellice Islands
FO 371 156477: Bases in West Indies
FO 371 156478: Bases in West Indies

FO 371 156479: Bases in West Indies
FO 371 156480: Bases in West Indies
FO 371 156481: Bases in West Indies
FO 371 156482: Bases on South Caicos Island in West Indies
FO 371 156483: Defence policies
FO 371 156484: Defence policies
FO 371 156485: Use of training facilities in West Indies
FO 371 156486: Atlantic Underwater Testing and Evaluations Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 156487: US request for airfield facilities on Bahamas
FO 371 156488: Air force bases in United Kingdom
FO 371 156489: Civil defence programme
FO 371 156490: US attitudes towards nuclear war
FO 371 156491: Sale of civil airliners from United Kingdom
FO 371 156492: Shipping policy
FO 371 156493: Visit by Mr Gaitskell, Leader of Labour Party
FO 371 156494: Visit by Prime Minister of Canada

FO 371 156495: Visit by Sir R Welensky, Prime Minister of Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
FO 371 156496: Visit by Prime Minister of Federation of Nigeria
FO 371 156497: Visit by Minister of Aviation
FO 371 156498: Government relations with British press
FO 371 156499: Government relations with US press
FO 371 156500: Peace Corps activities
FO 371 156501: Peace Corps activities
FO 371 156502: Education
FO 371 156503: Charitable foundations
FO 371 156504: Policy on science and research
FO 371 156505: Relations with Vatican
FO 371 156506: Census
FO 371 156507: Racial discrimination and desegregation
FO 371 156508: Racial discrimination and desegregation
FO 371 156509: Immigration from West Indies
FO 371 156510: Appointment of HM Ambassador
FO 371 156511: Appointment of Ambassador in London
FO 371 156512: Foreign Service
FO 371 156513: Presentation of HMS Seraph to Citadel Military College
FO 371 156514: Trade unions
FO 371 156515: Labour and social affairs
FO 371 156516: Anglo-American Telegraph Company and Western Union divestment proceedings


FO 371 162578: Annual review for 1961
FO 371 162579: Internal political situation
FO 371 162580: Internal political situation
FO 371 162581: Internal political situation
FO 371 162582: Internal political situation
FO 371 162583: Government appointments
FO 371 162584: Political situation in Puerto Rico
FO 371 162585: Reports on first and second sessions of 87th Congress
FO 371 162586: Foreign policy towards Latin America

FO 371 162587: Foreign policy
FO 371 162588: Foreign policy
FO 371 162589: Political relations: Brazil
FO 371 162590: Political relations: Soviet Union
FO 371 162591: Political relations: United Kingdom
FO 371 162592: Visit by Prime Minister to US and Canada
FO 371 162593: British-American Parliamentary Conference in Bermuda
FO 371 162594: British-American Parliamentary Conference in Bermuda
FO 371 162595: British-American Parliamentary Group
FO 371 162596: Political relations: India
FO 371 162597: Political relations: Ghana

FO 371 162598: Monthly economic reports
FO 371 162599: Monthly economic reports
FO 371 162600: Economy
FO 371 162601: Budget
FO 371 162602: Views on dollar devaluation
FO 371 162603: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress
FO 371 162604: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress
FO 371 162605: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress

FO 371 162606: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress
FO 371 162607: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress
FO 371 162608: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress
FO 371 162609: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress
FO 371 162610: Aid to Latin America: Alliance for Progress
FO 371 162611: Foreign trade and aid

FO 371 162612: Foreign trade and aid
FO 371 162613: Commercial relations: Brazil
FO 371 162614: Commercial relations: United Kingdom
FO 371 162615: Taxation
FO 371 162616: Double taxation
FO 371 162617: Exchange of notes with United Kingdom about use of Wideawake airfield, Ascension Island
FO 371 162618: Agreement with United Kingdom over extension of submarine cable in Long Range Proving Ground in West Indies
FO 371 162619: Bases in United Kingdom
FO 371 162620: Bases in West Indies
FO 371 162621: Bases on South Caicos Island, West Indies
FO 371 162622: Atlantic Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas

FO 371 162623: Atlantic Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 162624: Defence policy
FO 371 162625: Bases in UK territories overseas
FO 371 162626: [closed for 50 years]
FO 371 162627: Canadian bases in US
FO 371 162628: Visits by RN ships
FO 371 162629: Civil defence programme
FO 371 162630: Deportation from UK of Dr Robert Soblen
FO 371 162631: Deportation from UK of Dr Robert Soblen
FO 371 162632: Deportation from UK of Dr Robert Soblen

FO 371 162633: Visit by Harold Wilson MP
FO 371 162634: Visit to United Kingdom by Colonel and Mrs John Glenn
FO 371 162635: Visit to United Kingdom by General Maxwell Taylor
FO 371 162636: Proposed visit by Jomo Kenyatta
FO 371 162637: US Peace Corps
FO 371 162638: US Peace Corps
FO 371 162639: US Peace Corps
FO 371 162640: US Peace Corps
FO 371 162641: Anglo-American co-operation in Kentucky Mountains Frontier Nursing Service
FO 371 162642: Report on narcotics on board HMS Belfast

FO 371 162643: Racial discrimination
FO 371 162644: Foreign Service
FO 371 162645: Building of US Embassy in London
FO 371 162646: Building of US Embassy in London
FO 371 162647: Labour and social affairs
FO 371 162648: American view on Commonwealth
FO 371 168405: Annual review for 1962
FO 371 168406: International reaction to death of President Kennedy
FO 371 168407: International reaction to death of President Kennedy

FO 371 168408: International reaction to death of President Kennedy
FO 371 168409: Profile of Lyndon B Johnson
FO 371 168410: Internal political situation
FO 371 168411: Internal political situation
FO 371 168412: Government appointments
FO 371 168413: Political situation in Puerto Rico
FO 371 168414: Visit by President Kennedy to Europe
FO 371 168415: Foreign policy towards Latin America
FO 371 168416: Political Relations: Middle East
FO 371 168417: Political Relations: Far East
FO 371 168418: Political Relations: Central and Latin America
FO 371 168419: Political Relations: Peoples Republic of China
FO 371 168420: Political Relations: Soviet Union

FO 371 168421: Political Relations: United Kingdom
FO 371 168422: Political Relations: United Kingdom
FO 371 168423: British-American Parliamentary Group; Bermuda Conference
FO 371 168424: British-American Parliamentary Group; Bermuda Conference
FO 371 168425: Political relations: Commonwealth
FO 371 168426: Political relations: British Virgin Islands
FO 371 168427: Political relations: Malaysia
FO 371 168428: Monthly economic reports
FO 371 168429: Monthly economic reports
FO 371 168430: Economy
FO 371 168431: Aid to Latin America; Clay Committee report

FO 371 168432: Aid to Latin America; Clay Committee report
FO 371 168433: Aid to UK dependencies
FO 371 168434: Commercial relations: Latin America
FO 371 168435: Commercial relations: Brazil
FO 371 168436: Commercial relations: United Kingdom
FO 371 168437: Commercial relations: Pakistan
FO 371 168438: Taxation
FO 371 168439: Double Taxation agreements
FO 371 168440: Ascension Island: provision of land for RAF facilities
FO 371 168441: US bases in United Kingdom
FO 371 168442: US bases in United Kingdom
FO 371 168443: Military assistance to Latin America
FO 371 168444: US bases in Barbados
FO 371 168445: US bases in St Lucia
FO 371 168446: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168447: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168448: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168449: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168450: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas

FO 371 168451: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168452: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168453: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168454: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168455: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168456: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168457: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas

FO 371 168458: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168459: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168460: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168461: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168462: Atlantic Under-water Test and Evaluation Centre, Bahamas
FO 371 168463: Defence policy
FO 371 168464: US military bases in British Guiana
FO 371 168465: US military bases in Antigua
FO 371 168466: United Kingdom expenditure arising from Bermuda Agreement
FO 371 168467: US naval base at Anegada, British Virgin Islands
FO 371 168468: Supply of nuclear warheads to Canada
FO 371 168469: Proposed closure of USAF bases in UK
FO 371 168470: Visits by Royal Navy ships

FO 371 168471: Sale of United Kingdom aircraft to US
FO 371 168472: Proposed visit by Dr Nkrumah, President of Ghana
FO 371 168473: Visit by Dr Kenneth Kaunda, President of Zambia
FO 371 168474: Visit by Rt Hon Edward Heath MP, Lord Privy Seal
FO 371 168475: Visit by Rt Hon Edward Heath MP, Lord Privy Seal
FO 371 168476: Visit of Dr Julius Nyerere, President of Tanganyika
FO 371 168477: Visit of Richard Nixon to United Kingdom
FO 371 168478: Visit of Vice-President Johnson to Europe
FO 371 168479: Visit of George Ball, US State Department, to London
FO 371 168480: Ascension Island: murder case involving two US citizens; jurisdiction of local courts
FO 371 168481: Ascension Island: murder case involving two US citizens; jurisdiction of local courts

FO 371 168482 Ascension Island: murder case involving two US citizens; jurisdiction of local courts
FO 371 168483: US Peace Corps
FO 371 168484: Racial discrimination
FO 371 168485: Racial discrimination
FO 371 168486: International opinion on US race issues
FO 371 168487: Death of President Kennedy
FO 371 168488: Death of President Kennedy
FO 371 168489: Proposed Kennedy memorial
FO 371 168490: Honorary US citizenship conferred upon Sir Winston Churchill
FO 371 168491: Labour and social affairs

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